Health Spotlight

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
IN High Blood Pressure | Hypertension
Hypertension or High blood pressure as it is commonly referred to affects nearly 65 million adults in USA alone (source: FDA). Hypertension gives a higher risk of heart attack or … more »by Bob Miller, N.D.
Bus from Johor Bahru to Singapore are a popular choice for daily commuters and tourists, with a short journey of around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on traffic on the Johor Causeway. Meanwhile, the route from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru bus offers a comfortable journey of 4 to 5 hours, with various daily itineraries. For those who want to go north, the bus from TBS KL to Penang takes about 4 to 5 hours, perfect for those who want to enjoy the cultural and food attractions of Penang. Furthermore, bus from KL to Singapore provide convenient long-distance travel, with modern amenities such as reclining seats and Wi-Fi to ensure comfort throughout the journey. These routes make traveling between cities easier and more comfortable.
Authors Spotlight

Bob Miller, N.D.
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Diabetes: Managing D..
October 24, 2007
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Nancy Lewis
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Acid Reflux – GERD
September 22, 2006
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Harry Morad
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Menstrual Disorders:..
October 24, 2007
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